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Bringing Siemens' Teamcenter to the Cloud

Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) Solution From the "Siemens Xcelerator" Portfolio now Available on Google Cloud
"Teamcenter on Google Cloud" can enable organizations to scale quickly and flexibly, while providing unparalleled accessibility and manageability

Siemens Digital Industries Software announced that the "Teamcenter" software for Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) is now available on Google Cloud, enabling customers to implement one of the world’s most widely used PLM systems more quickly, at lower total cost of ownership, and with the accessibility and scalability that today’s forward-thinking manufacturers demand.

Teamcenter, from the Siemens Xcelerator portfolio of software and services, is a modern, adaptable PLM system that connects people and processes across functional silos with a digital thread for innovation. Teamcenter helps customers plan, develop and deliver products, while providing secure, controlled access to a company’s most sensitive intellectual property throughout the lifecycle of the product, from conceptualization to end of life.

When implemented in an Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) deployment model on Google Cloud, Teamcenter can help improve infrastructure performance, flexibly scale to meet project demands, and lower the total cost of ownership. Additionally, it enables customers to gain those benefits along with the speed, scale, security, and sustainability of Google Cloud. Bringing Siemens’ Teamcenter to the cloud enables customers to more easily break down silos to combine the realms of Information Technology (IT) and Operational Technology (OT), enabling the fusion of data from the real world of automation with the digital world of information and engineering technology.

"Customers of all sizes and in all industries trust Teamcenter to help them develop and make the products of the future,” said Joe Bohman, Senior Vice President Lifecycle Collaboration Software Siemens Digital Industries Software. "By bringing Teamcenter to Google Cloud, we are enabling more organizations to speed their adoption of PLM, getting them up, running, and productive with innovative capabilities more quickly.”

"With Siemens’ Teamcenter on Google Cloud, manufacturers will be able to combine Siemens’ expertise and technical capabilities with Google Cloud’s industry-leading security, compliance and manageability,” said Hans Thalbauer, Managing Director, Supply Chain & Logistics Solutions, Google Cloud. "The collaboration will enable customers to respond quickly to changing business needs and easily scale-up to meet their PLM software demands.”

In addition to the advantages of easy cloud access, Siemens has extended usability with preconfigured Teamcenter connector to Google Workspace. Docs, Sheets and Slides users can now manage these files in Teamcenter and edit in the browser. (Siemens: ra)

When implemented in an Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) deployment model on Google Cloud, Teamcenter can help improve infrastructure performance, flexibly scale to meet project demands, and lower the total cost of ownership. Additionally, it enables customers to gain those benefits along with the speed, scale, security, and sustainability of Google Cloud. Bringing Siemens’ Teamcenter to the cloud enables customers to more easily break down silos to combine the realms of Information Technology (IT) and Operational Technology (OT), enabling the fusion of data from the real world of automation with the digital world of information and engineering technology.

"Customers of all sizes and in all industries trust Teamcenter to help them develop and make the products of the future,” said Joe Bohman, Senior Vice President Lifecycle Collaboration Software Siemens Digital Industries Software. "By bringing Teamcenter to Google Cloud, we are enabling more organizations to speed their adoption of PLM, getting them up, running, and productive with innovative capabilities more quickly.”

"With Siemens’ Teamcenter on Google Cloud, manufacturers will be able to combine Siemens’ expertise and technical capabilities with Google Cloud’s industry-leading security, compliance and manageability,” said Hans Thalbauer, Managing Director, Supply Chain & Logistics Solutions, Google Cloud. "The collaboration will enable customers to respond quickly to changing business needs and easily scale-up to meet their PLM software demands.”

In addition to the advantages of easy cloud access, Siemens has extended usability with preconfigured Teamcenter connector to Google Workspace. Docs, Sheets and Slides users can now manage these files in Teamcenter and edit in the browser. (Siemens: ra)

eingetragen: 23.11.22
Newsletterlauf: 23.02.23

Siemens: Steckbrief

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